
Archive for the ‘Coffee Farming’ Category

One of Ecuador’s actual problems with Coffee is that the Coffee shrubs are old and don’t produce the required quantity and quality of Coffee cherries any more.
George Ester, a Belgian National who consulted for years for the United Nations in agricultural questions, created his own laboratory in Mindo, west of Quito.
His goal is to produce the best Coffee Plants and to teach the local farmes in the region how to increase quantity and quality of their Coffee production. This effort is not always easy due to the bad experience farmes had with the Coffee production in the past.
We are visiting the Mindo – Nanegal region during some of our Coffee Tours and you will be introduced to the problems Georges Ester faces triying to change the habits of local farmers.
Unfortunately in Ecuador doesn’t exisit a centralized research station for Coffee at the moment, but that could be an interesting project in the future.

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“Highland Coffee” stands for Coffee grown at an altitude between 1200 – 1800 meters (3937 ft to 5906 ft) above sea level.  But the expression “Highland Coffee” doesn’t refer only to the altitude at which coffee grows, but also to its quality, as explains Jose Nicolas Velez, one of Ecuador’s leading Coffee specialists. http://www.cafevelez.com/

“Highland Coffee” in Ecuador is without exception “Arabica Coffee”. Highland Arabica Coffee  has the ideal balance between acidity, body, flavor, aroma and fragrance, and produces a very pleasant sensation when you drink the coffee in your cup .

The first step in obtaining a specialty coffee of very high quality is to select the proper seed. There are several varieties of arabica coffee and each has its characteristics and distinct flavor.

The ideal is to find the seed that in certain weather conditions will give the best performance and produces highest quality coffee.

During our Coffee Harvest Tour you will get first hand information about the seed selection process and the difference between Robusta and Arabica Coffee. We talk also about the different Arabica varieties and how they influence the Coffee flavors in your cup.

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